Last Minute Holiday homes in Twente and the Achterhoek

Have a little extra time on your hands but not sure of what to do? Then let Bungalow.Net's last minute holiday homes in Twente and the Achterhoek provide the solution. Reserve one of our affordable last minutes in Twente and the Achterhoek... Read more

Special Holiday homes deals from Twente and the Achterhoek


Have a little extra time on your hands but not sure of what to do? Then let Bungalow.Net's last minute holiday homes in Twente and the Achterhoek provide the solution. Reserve one of our affordable last minutes in Twente and the Achterhoek and spend your free time mountain biking in the hills of the Holterberg or fishing in some of the numerous rivers that wind their way through this largely agricultural region. A last minute holiday home with children's playground in Twente and the Achterhoek is perfect for a short break with the kids, as is a day trip to Adventure Park Hellendoorn, while a spacious last minute holiday home in a town in Twente and the Achterhoek is perfect for a cultural excursion with a group of friends. Meet the "Easter Men" in Ootmarsum or visit a cheese-making farm, all part of the possibilities when you book one of Bungalow.Net's last minute holiday homes in Twente and the Achterhoek. Book yours today!

Reasons to book at
  • Experience

    Over 20 years' experience in the European rental industry.

  • Risk-Free

    We provide Money-back guarantee for our clients. See our Terms and Conditions.

  • Security

    Secure transactions over a 256 bit encrypted connection, security certificate verified by GlobalSign.
