La dolce vita with a holiday park in Liguria,perfect for young and old

Close your eyes and imagine your dream vacation for this year: if the vision of it has a clear blue sea, beautiful beaches, quaint villages on the coast, impressive cities and a set of other features following the same train of thoughts... Read more

Special Holiday parks deals from Liguria


Close your eyes and imagine your dream vacation for this year: if the vision of it has a clear blue sea, beautiful beaches, quaint villages on the coast, impressive cities and a set of other features following the same train of thoughts, than a holiday in Liguria is your destination. Whether you wish to spend your vacation with family or friends, or your children or even your pet, there is just no going wrong with a holiday park in Liguria. Picture a combination of majestic high mountains leading to a rugged UNESCO award winning coastline, guarded by the azurian Mediterranean Sea as a background setting for a bunch of fun activities as well as calm relaxation. Add to this a bottle of the delicious wine in Liguria, from Rossese di Dolceacqua to Sciacchetrà of Cinque Terre and others, and a taste of the renowned “Cheese focaccia of Recco” and your time on the Italian Riviera quickly becomes a fulfilled dream, one you might have not even known you had.

Liguria for young and old

Liguria is a lot of fun to people of all ages, activities like golfing, or bowling, or spending the night out in town, as well as swimming, relaxing in a sauna, or practicing water sports attest to this fact. Food lovers will have their taste buds spoiled here with delicious authentic dishes like Trenette with pesto, the farinata in Genoa, or the incredible Ligurian Mussel Soup. There's also international food restaurants, and plenty of fresh seafood for foodies of all ages.
Count in as a fun activity to enjoy in this region the numerous festivals that take place here, like the Italian Music Festival in Sanremo in February.
Visit glorious cities like Genoa, Savona or Spezia during your family holiday in Liguria and enjoy the rich cultural and historical heritage that they have to offer, from the aquarium in Genoa to the old churches in Spezia.

La dolce vita in Liguria

A holiday park in Liguria with a spectacular view of the sea? This should definitely be your choice of vacation this year, together with the practicing of water sports like kayaking, diving, snorkeling, surfing and relaxing on the beach. What can be more relaxing and fun? Yet this is not all that the Italian Riviera has to offer: numerous bike trails leading to tall mountains, the striking cliffs of Cinque Terre that are a paradise for hikers, the amazing marine life in the Sanctuary of Crustaceans where you might spot a whale, dolphins and seals. You'll be spoiled by the sweet taste of the gelato in Boccadasse in Liguria, by the scents and colors of the products in the ligurian food markets, by the delicious wines in the region. The Italian "dolce vita" has never been sweeter than with a holiday in Liguria.

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