Apartments in Lake Garda

An apartment at Lake Garda is the perfect accommodation when you want to enjoy a cultural vacation. You can visit the most popular main sights or visit medieval villages for a change. Read more

Special Apartments deals from Lake Garda


An apartment at Lake Garda is the perfect accommodation when you want to enjoy a cultural vacation. You can visit the most popular main sights or visit medieval villages if you want a change. Are you a wine lover, then you can visit the wine museum. Enjoy also at the lake where you can enjoy a swim or lie lazily at the shore of the lake from an apartment at Lake Garda.

Winter sport from an apartment at Lake Garda

If you want to participate at winter sport activities during your vacation you can rent an apartment at Lake Garda. You can go practice skiing, snowboarding or langlaufer at the ski slopes around the lake like the slopes at Monte Baldo or Brentonico. Before returning to your apartment at Lake Garda, you can enjoy a delicious dinner in a restaurant or a trattoria and taste delicious dishes like a risotto alla tinca or a risotto ai frutti di mare.

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