A perfect mix of historical and cosmopolitan with holiday homes Prague

Prague is well known to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with a magical atmosphere dipped in myths and legends; a holiday in Prague is an unique cultural experience, an eulogy to romance and traditions that will... Read more

Special Holiday homes deals from Prague


Prague is well known to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with a magical atmosphere dipped in myths and legends; a holiday in Prague is an unique cultural experience, an eulogy to romance and traditions that will set a constant holiday smile on your face. The Old Town Hall with the famous Prague Astronomical Clock is just one of a kind, the Jewish Quarter, so much praised in the novels of Franz Kafka, portraying the legend of the Golem. Stop at one of the local cafes, take a sightseeing cruise on the Vltava river for an experience to remember. From a holiday home in Prague you can easily reach all major attractions of the area, the Charles Bridge in the Lesser Town and the Chucrh of St. Nicholas should definitely make everyone's list of things to see. If you feel like you want to retreat from the hustle and bustle in town, the Palace Gardens are a perfect place for a romantic stroll. The mix of styles to be found in Prague is a definition of unique charm, the city is both historical and modern, cosmopolitan and romantic, with a friendly atmosphere year round.

Architectural gems to enchant your eyes

From Gothic monasteries, to Baroque cathedrals, Renaissance gardens and majestic palaces, a holiday in Prague sets you in an atmosphere defined by thousands of years of building of architectural gems. Franz Kafka, the famous novelist, described Prague as an addictive place, and if you only even consider monuments like the Prague Castle, the largest medieval castle in the world, you can see he is not far from the truth whatsoever. A wonderful world of plants, pavilions and fountains will reveal itself in one of the Palace Gardens. To get a so called "overview" of the city, the Petřín, with the lookout tower is just the place. The statue of the Child of Prague, at the foot of the Petřín Hill is said to have some miraculous powers and it is also easily accessible from a holiday home in Prague. The Old Town Square, one of the most beautiful ones in the world, is dotted with architectural marvels, and Charles Bridge at sunrise is just surreal. One of the most amazing Art Nouveau building in the world is the Municipal House, where you can also enjoy a classic concert.

Prague gastronomy is one that must be tried

The tastes and aromas of the Czech cuisine are just unforgettable, and the many restaurants to be found here offer an unique dining experience on a family holiday in Prague. From elegant establishments offering first class services to traditional restaurants with a cozy atmosphere, the variety to be found here when it comes to gastronomy is almost limitless: Italian, French, Armenian, Indian, Mexican and so on. Restaurants like La Degustation and Alcron are very prestigious, or maybe try the famous SaSaZu, while for a quick meal, the Villa Richter is quite beautiful. If you want to experience the typical Czech cuisine, like their particular sauces, meat and dumplings, or baked poultry, various types of fish and sweet cakes, choose a restaurant that is marked with the Czech sign. Places like Hergetova Cihelna do not only offer some delicious local cuisine, but also a breathtaking view of the Charles Bridge. And of course, don't forget about Czech beer. Enjoy your meal or, better said, dobrou chuť!

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