Atlantic Coast, France redefine fun

An area of great variety... these would be the first words that probably come to mind when we think of the French Atlantic Coast. Not a Mediterranean feel per se, but definitely a feel of light and sun, warm air and the mystique of the sea... Read more

Special Holiday homes deals from Atlantic Coast


An area of great variety... these would be the first words that probably come to mind when we think of the French Atlantic Coast. Not a Mediterranean feel per se, but definitely a feel of light and sun, warm air and the mystique of the sea, completed by the seemingly endless sunflower fields and the silence of the farm houses that convey an excitement that is hard to describe. A holiday home at the beach on the Atlantic Coast in France is your setting for embarking upon a real adventure among Roman cities and breathtaking wine regions, to top off the miles and miles of coast dotted with the most picturesque villages and many, many islands. If this is yet to put together a rare painting of a scenario that unravels a perfect holiday at the beach on the Atlantic Coast in France, you can also paint the picture of the exquisite works of art that are the cities to be found here, like the elegant Bordeaux, the young and bustling Poitiers, the long stretch of road that takes to the Santiago de Compostela and many others. Ready to go?

Stop and enjoy... it's fun time

And if it's fun, it must have at least something to do with the beach... that could not be more true when it comes to a holiday villa at the beach on the Atlantic Coast in France. To actually “dot the i”, choose a villa at the beach south of Bordeaux, on the pine-covered Cote d'Argent and you'll get the most fairy tale scenario in which to enjoy a delicious ice cream while walking among the many mansions that dot the area. And you won't even have to turn the page to see that the sea has left its “wave mark” on the many islands here as well, like on the Noirmoutier, a small and idyllic place, the island of Re with its long beaches, the romantic Ile d'Aix, where the wind seems to have tied a decisive friendship with the sea and gently swipes the beaches here as well.

It's a region of seafood

And it's never tasted so good... fresh and not at all pricy in the local markets here, there are restaurants and even oyster bars along the coast that serve it, all within easy reach of a holiday home at the beach on the Atlantic Coast in France. Around Bordeaux you will also find some world renowned vineyards, that leave their mark on some of the best wines. And while in the area, don't forget to taste the local baked specialties, which include macaroons, that were invented in Saint-Émilion. Canelé, from Bordeaux, is another local delight and whichever restaurant seems more appealing to you, don't miss the chance of a picnic on the beach with a bottle of local wine or a sunset stroll while gazing at the endless sea. The Atlantic Coast in France will be the thread to hold the magic and the sea together in creating a perfect setting for your even more perfect holiday.

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